Free Foundations of Fitness Workshop:  – February 1st

I help you move with
 more ease and confidence,
 no matter what’s going on
 with your body.

Fitness Training and Massage Therapy
Darrington, Washington.

How I Help You Move with Ease & Confidence:

Beautiful Movement

Tired of restricted or painful movement? Movement expresses the relationships within your body. Imagine those relationships in harmony and movement becoming beautiful and fluid. Through Orthopedic Massage we can unlock your body’s restrictions.

Elegant Strength

Strength makes everything you do, and everything you want to do, easier and more enjoyable. Becoming more capable allows you to live richly, and to be of greater service to the community.

Dauntless Grace

Moving with grace requires strength. Developing strength requires both the courage to look clearly at our capabilities, and the compassion to allow ourselves to change at our body’s pace. Let me help you find your starting point.

Aging is inevitable, but declining health isn’t. While some people your age may be struggling, others are thriving with energy and strength. Which path are you on?

Learn about the different areas of fitness and how to plan for your long-term vitality.

Hi, I’m Roselie Rasmussen.

I’m a 4th generation holistic healthcare professional.

I love witnessing the complexity of this beautiful, material world.

I went to massage school two decades ago mainly because I wanted to learn more about my own body.  I stayed with the profession and branched into fitness training because of the tenderness I feel for living, breathing and often maligned bodies.  I love the puzzles that those bodies and the individuals living inside them present.  Living is a rich experience.  I want to help people live deeply. I’m happy to support you. Contact me at (425) 270-0844.

Dauntless Grace

My Core Values:

Physical Health Meets Self-Compassion

Pain or limitation can change what we want to do, and how much attention we’re able to give to what, or who, is around us. It can change the choices we make about how we’re going to live our lives, and it can change who we’re being.

We accumulate stresses with time; old injuries, motion patterns that get repeated over and over again, as well as the strains of our roles in work, family, community, and society.

Your body is a complex and beautiful living organism. It feels.

Your body can be strong or tender, vigorous or subtle.

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Why I Recommend Training Barefoot

In the semi-private training group that meets at my home fitness studio, I encourage the ladies to train barefoot. You can of course wear shoes if you want, but there are many reasons to train without them.

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What's Wrong with Impact?

What’s Wrong with Impact?

Have you ever heard certain exercises referred to as being “high impact”?

There often seems to be a negative connotation to something being a high impact activity. Running and jumping are considered high impact activities, while cycling and water aerobics are low impact.

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Why I Recommend Training Barefoot

In the semi-private training group that meets at my home fitness studio, I encourage the ladies to train barefoot. You can of course wear shoes if you want, but there are many reasons to train without them.

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What's Wrong with Impact?

What’s Wrong with Impact?

Have you ever heard certain exercises referred to as being “high impact”?

There often seems to be a negative connotation to something being a high impact activity. Running and jumping are considered high impact activities, while cycling and water aerobics are low impact.

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Balance and Stability Training, an Overview

Balance and stability are interrelated qualities that make us more confident and relaxed during movement and also keep us from falling.
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